January 25, 2012

winterSALON/2012: 'Dis/-Functional Fragmanted Wardrobe' - Femke de Vries @ Geelvinck/Hinlopenhuis

During winterSALON/2012 product designer Femke de Vries - alumnus of ArtEZ Fashionmasters - presents in museum Geelvinck a series of constructions in which she uses ‘contexts where clothes exist beyond its wearer’, as a starting point.

Most of the works by Femke de Vries are fashion related, some in result other in process. Her multidisciplinary approach of fashion related values started an ongoing process in which she questions the myths of products, (context, temporality, definition) and refers to the subjective view of the artist and public. By doing so, she tries to show hidden meanings, myths. She explains: "Myths, according to Roland Barthes, submit what is considered as natural, universal and self-evident. Though this is actually culturally and historically determined and therefore not natural or self-evident”.
Therefore her works aren’t developed with the aim to be final. The products, installations and publications are mostly fragments of a process in which meaning and definition is questioned. She often, to challenge the process, chooses a tightly constructed starting point to see what happens when executed. Like ‘making sure a product refers to nothing beside itself’ or ‘reducing the role of the designer to a minimum’.

Femke de Vries exhibited before in Margreeth Olsthoorn, Stroom Den Haag, Droog, Moonlife Foundation and Concept store, Design Miami, MetropolisM, WDKA, View2 Magazine, DDW, Ein magazin uber orte, SPRMRKT, and Whatspace and more.

more info: http://www.femkedevries.com/wintersalon.html

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